So the last week was an absolutely incredible week!!! We
totally killed it this week!!!
So to start out as a branch this week. (Or the four elders
that are here) We had two wedding, five baptisms, and a whole bunch of
success!!! It was awesome!!
So a little bit about the people that got baptized. Their
names are Maira, and Miguel. They were the two from our area that got
We will start with Maira. She is 22, and a single mother.
Her daughter is two years old, and she is super awesome!!! We found her one day
trying to get a lesson with a less active member. When we first talked to her
she told us that she was just a believer in God, and that was it. She didn't
want to be part of any religion, and didn't want to talk to us. So we came back
later to find her grandmother, and she sat in on the lesson that we taught, and
was very intrigued. We taught her for almost two months, and she has grown so
so much. The light that she has in her life is so crazy, and she made a lot of
difficult, but needed changes to her life so she could get baptized. The last
week before her baptism, she had a whole bunch of family problems come up, and
we were scared that she was not going to be able to get baptized. She finally
made the decision to move out of her house, and be out on her own. So we were
house hunting for several days last week. In the end she is staying with her
aunt, and will look for a place in the next couple of months.

So a little about Miguel. He is about 27 years old, and has
a child with a member. They were not married. So he was an old investigator
that moved out of the area for work, but then came back about a month ago. So
we started teaching him again, and he is really awesome!!! He about 2 years ago
had problems with drugs, and alcohol. He was not a very good guy, but started
to change his life, and then had a child with a member who lived down
the street from him. So after almost two years of being together they finally
got married on Friday. It was awesome!!! Then on Saturday he got baptized. Holy
wow. He came out of the water, and had such a light in his eyes. He honestly
looked like a completely different person. You couldn't notice the tattoos that
he has, you could only see the joy that was in his eyes. It was so awesome!!!

After the baptisms last week we got invited to the talent
show of another ward because they wanted us to do a talent and because I am
really friends with their ward!!! So for our talent we sang I am a Child of God
and my comp played the guitar. It was really awesome. We did half in English and
half in Spanish because my comp speaks English!!!
So that was what I did with my weekend. It was very
wonderful, and full of the Spirit!!!
I also found out last night some bad news. They will be
closing my area, so both my comp and I have changes. I am very very sad because
we just found a whole bunch of new people to teach. One that was going to be
very cool, and a very very dedicated member to church. She is 15 and her name
is Erandy. She is a Jehovah's Witness, and is very interested in the church. It
is a little weird that she is listening to us. Because the JW are generally
pretty apposed to us. They are in a way our competition here in the mission.
They have lots of member missionaries that are always out knocking doors, but
she accepted us, and is really liking it. She came to church yesterday, and has
a whole bunch of really really awesome questions.
But that is about all that is happening. Not a whole lot.
But we are just working hard and learning a lot!!!!
I love you all, and am still alive!!
Elder Mason Millar